
Learning is like rowing upstream:  not to advance is to drop back.  ~Chinese Proverb

My goal as a teacher is to collaborate with other fellow teachers to use the best resources out there.  Listed are some resources that I have found useful.

English Journal Articles of interest

Beyond Mirrored Worlds: Teaching World Literature to Challenge Students' Perception of "Other"

Walking the Talk: Examining Privilege and Race in a Ninth-Grade Classroom

Teaching Writing for the "Real World": Community and Workplace Writing

Lesson Plans of Interest

Avoiding Sexist Language by Using Gender-Fair Pronouns
This lesson illustrates how language and gender stereotyping interact casually.  The students write a response to a short prompt which includes no information about the participants’ gender.  The writing is then analyzed by the students and teacher on the use of pronouns and what the pronoun choices reveal about language use.  

Creating a Persuasive Podcast
This lesson is intended to expand upon students’ basic persuasive speaking and research skills.  You have the student’s research on an issue of personal interest and practice working with podcasting tools.  They then will create and share a two-minute persuasive podcast in class.  

Using Micro-blogging and Social Networking to Explore Characterization and Style
Students will use micro blogging and social networking sites to trace the development of characters and examine writing style while reading the novel Emma by Jane Austen.  By assuming the persona of a literary character on the class Ning and sending a set of number of tweets (status updates), students explore changes undertaken by dynamic characters, the effect of plot developments on individual characters, and the nuanced social interactions among characters in Emma.  They also discover elements of authorial writing style through imitation and transposition.  Facebook could also be used instead of Twitter.